Solidarity with climate activists in Kenya


The grassroots activist Dianah Mugalizi founded the Youth Network Pro Green Shapers and is the coordinator for Debt for Climate .

Solidarity with victims of the floods

Dianah Sayi Mugalizi, a climate activist from Nairobi is one of the lucky people who have secured a dry place to live. Dianah is hosting 12 refugees, among them women who are breastfeeding and elder women who need urgent medical attention. They have nowhere to call home now since their homes were carried by water. They dearly need your help with food, basic amenities and emergency housing.

Please, support her in supporting others! More info: For one time or monthly donations, please use the blue button below.


Please consider giving a monthly donation: If 10 people would donate 20 EUR per month we could already pay the rent for the small flat. The houses need to be rebuilt, but that will take time.

Tree planting

Dianah helped to organize a tree planting session along the Mathare River. This was a great opportunity for the group to get outside and do something encouraging: More trees mean a lower risk of floods in the future.


Solidarity with children who cannot go to school

Heavy rain and a large flood in Kenya in the last weeks displaced more than 281,000 people. Many of them lost everything. Now that school starts again, many children cannot go to school, because they need a school uniform, books and to pay the school fees.

More info here. For one time or monthly donations, please use the blue button below.


Support the family of Daniel, who was killed during the Protests

More info about Daniel and the protests in Nairobi here.


Thank you so much for taking Climate Justice seriously!

CC BY-SA 4.0 Uwe Fechner. Last modified: August 03, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl.